Friday, January 28, 2011

Let us recap...

Saluti da Firenze !

Sorry everyone for not posting anything since I got to Florence, I was just so immersed in the culture and in awe of the city that I lost track of time! Florence, let me just say wow.

Flight from Charlotte to Munich was not all bad, didn't sleep too well but not bad, but the flight from Munich to Florence was just plain hectic. So I got the airport on time, stunned as all get out having never flown on my own before, got through customs and security and all that jazz so the early morning was going well. Until I saw the flight before me leaving for Florence was delayed. This in turn made my flight delayed and I spent a couple hours trying to figure out how to call LdM to let them know I was delayed. (Dumb dumb here packed everything except the access code to the cell-phone)But I did eventually succeed and call from a T-Mobile payphone using coin euros and my plane did eventually get into Florence. Apparently there was heavy fog in the area making it dangerous to land a plane in and if it had not cleared enough for use to land we would have had to got to Bologna and take an hour bus ride to Florence.

I took a taxi from the airport, my bag got there safely, and got all my housing and residence info as well as the keys to my apartment. After that I took another taxi to the apartment clear across city and lugged my suitcase up a bunch of stairs to my apartment.

That was how I met my first apartment-mate, Rachael, trying but failing miserable to unlock the door with the large old key I was given. No I'm not kidding this thing is so large it won't fit in my pocket!

Fortunately she eventually got it open but it did take the two of us on opposite sides of the door some time to get it open again.

Once our other roommate came back we went out on in the city center and proceeded to get ourselves lost on purpose. You find the most excellent restaurants when you are lost, we found this awesome little pizza shop where you bought sections by the pound. It was awesome!

More to come as well as more pictures, I will be roaming around Florence tomorrow after I go grocery shopping. I also need to get some gelato, I have yet to have any...


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